Our Stage, Your Story—重庆二外第四届外语文化活动月开幕式隆重举行 http://www.cqew.com.cn 2018年11月28日 |
在这激情飞扬、描绘锦绣的初冬,重庆二外第四届外语文化活动月开幕式在学校大操场隆重举行,来自高一 ( 1 ) 班 王浩宇、初一(20)班罗冰艺两位同学为大家致开幕词。本次活动主题为Our Stage, Your Story,将开展一系列精彩的外语活动,如英语手抄报比赛、英语书写比赛、英语征文比赛、英语配音大赛、英语演讲比赛、圣诞寄语活动、小语种文化展示活动等,带领同学们徜徉多彩世界,领略多元丰富的文化。
![]() ![]() 每一届外语文化活动月的开展都凝聚了二位学子对外语的追求与热爱,在这里同学们学习外语知识,体验异域文化,开阔国际视野,提升综合素质。外语文化活动月已经成为了重庆二外校园文化百花园中的一道靓丽风景线,更是二位学子期待的年度文化盛宴!
![]() ![]() 开幕式学生致辞:
A:Honorable teachers and dear fellow students,
B:ladies and gentlemen,
A:good morning!
B: To our great pleasure and expectation, the yearly Foreign Language Cultural Festival of 2018 of Chongqing NO.2 foreign language school is coming again.
A:In this autumn and winter, standing here with gorgeous scenery in the campus and the surrounding hills and the lake for company, we will surely to hold a series of extraordinary activities during this month essentially in the field of foreign languages.
B:Last year, we witnessed increasingly talented students burst tremendous passion and acting out their gifts and efforts. They not only brought us keen enjoyment but also enriched and varied the culture of a foreign language school and left us a mass of spiritual fortune and unforgettable memories.
A:The 2018 is the continuation and also a brand new chapter of the various forms and contents of the festival in the past, and we, faculty and students will do our utmost to create a relaxed atmosphere so that anyone who’s willing to participate can stand a chance to reveal his brilliance and make our school lively again with their amazing talents and skills . In the coming events, we’ve got a dubbing competition, exhibitions of outstanding posters and handwriting, Model United Nations Conference, English evening parties and many other fabulous activities.
B:Here we are, welcoming you to stand here for a sensational performance and efficient communication.
A:Here we are, promoting cultural pluralism and linguistic diversity.
B:Here we are, providing you the best context of language learning and offering you the best approach to head to the world.
A:Don’t hesitate any more, prepare yourself and be ready to ignite the cold and tough winter and at the same time, be ready for the challenges in the future.
B: We need to emphasize that in the coming month, professors and faculty advisors from other schools will be here, seeing and enjoying the best side of this incredible school.
B: At last, we would like to wish the festival a great success and we hope you will enjoy yourselves!
A: Now, we announce the 2018 Foreign Language Cultural Festival of Chongqing NO.2 foreign language school commences!
Thank you very much!
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